Floating Point

Bril has an extension for computing on floating-point numbers.

You can read more about the extension, which is originally by Dietrich Geisler and originally included two FP precision levels.


The floating point extension adds one new base type:


Floating point numbers are 64-bit, double-precision IEEE 754 values. (There is no single-precision type.)


There are the standard arithmetic operations, which take two float values and produce a new float value:

  • fadd
  • fmul
  • fsub
  • fdiv

It is not an error to fdiv by zero; as in IEEE 754, the result is infinity.

There are also comparison operators, which take two float values and produce a bool:

  • feq
  • flt
  • fle
  • fgt
  • fge


The core print operation prints float values with 17 decimal digits of precision, including trailing zeros. For values with magnitude 10¹⁰, it uses exponential notation with suffixes like e+12. (In terms of C’s printf, this is like using the %.17lf format specifier for small values and %.17e for large values, i.e., when f.abs().log10().abs >= 10.)

Positive and negative zero, while they are equal according to feq, look different when printed. Not-a-number values are printed as NaN; infinite values are printed as the strings Infinity or -Infinity.