Static Single Assignment (SSA) Form (Old Version)

This is the old version of the Bril SSA extension. It is deprecated, and the reference interpreter does not support it. For new development, please use the new “set/get” SSA extension.

This language extension lets you represent Bril programs in static single assignment (SSA) form. As in the standard definition, an SSA-form Bril program contains only one assignment per variable, globally—that is, variables within a function cannot be reassigned. This extension adds ϕ-nodes to the language.


There is one new instruction:

  • phi: Takes n labels and n arguments, for any n. Copies the value of the ith argument, where i is the index of the second-most-recently-executed label. (It is an error to use a phi instruction when two labels have not yet executed, or when the instruction does not contain an entry for the second-most-recently-executed label.)

Intuitively, a phi instruction takes its value according to the current basic block’s predecessor.


In the text format, you can write phi instructions like this:

x: int = phi a .here b .there;

The text format doesn’t care how you interleave arguments and labels, so this is equivalent to (but more readable than) phi a b .here .there. The “second-most-recent label” rule means that the labels refer to predecessor basic blocks, if you imagine blocks being “named” by their labels.

Here’s a small example:

  a: int = const 5;
  br cond .here .there;
  b: int = const 7;
  c: int = phi a .top b .here;
  print c;

A phi instruction is sensitive to the incoming CFG edge that execution took to arrive at the current block. The phi instruction in this program, for example, gets its value from a if control came from the .top block and b if control came from the .here block.