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Banking in hardware

This document outlines the various banking strategies used in HLS tools when banking hardware memory and defines some mathematical relationships between the original structure of the array and a banked array.

Interleaving banking

Interleaving banking allows programmers to access logically consecutive elements parallely. This is done by moving consecutive elements into separate banks.

Example. Consider the following array:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

If the array is banked using 4 banks and an interleaving scheme, we get the following physical representation:

1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8

Now if the user wants, they can access first four, or the last four logically consecutive elements in one cycle.

For an array element at index \(i\) in an array of length \(l\) and banking factor \(b\), we have the following:

Block based banking

Block based banking puts logically consecutive elements in an array into the same bank. An intuitive way of thinking about this is choping up an array in to \(b\) parts where \(b\) is the banking factor.

Example. Consider the following array:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

If the array is banked using 4 banks and an interleaving scheme, we get the following physical representation:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

For an array element at index \(i\) in an array of length \(l\), banking factor \(b\) and \(n=l/b\), we have the following:

Generalization to \(n\) dimensions

Since seashell allows banking in mutliple dimensions, we need a function that maps a banking structure and indices to a specific bank. So, given an array \(a[\sigma_1\text{ bank }(b_1)]\ldots[\sigma_n\text{ bank }(b_n)]\), we define the function \(\mathcal{B}\), which gives us the flattened index given a tuple of indices, as

\[\tag{1} \mathcal{B}(i_1, \ldots, i_n) = \sum_{j=1}^n \left ( (i_j \bmod b_j) \times \prod_{k=i+1}^n b_k \right ) \]

We also define the following function, which given an index gives us a tuple of banks that refers to one bank in a multi-dimensional array of banks, to simplify our proofs:

\[\tag{2} \mathcal{B}_t(i_1, \ldots, i_n) = (i_1 \bmod b_1, \ldots, i_n \bmod b_n) \]

and define the following lemma:

@Sachille, you mentioned the following lemma in a meeting. Can you add your proof here.

@Rachit, I think this is what you mean?

Lemma. \[\tag{3} \forall x,y : \mathcal{B}(x) \neq \mathcal{B}(y) \if \mathcal{B}_t(x) \neq \mathcal{B}_t(y) \]

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