Multi-Stage Programming

Braid is a multi-stage programming language. This section introduces its constructs for deferring execution (quote), “un-deferring” expressions (escape), and executing deferred code (run).

Quote and Run

Angle brackets denote a quote, which defers the execution of some code:

< 40 + 2 >

A quote produces a code value. Like a closure, a code value is a first-class value representing a computation. To execute a code value, use the ! operator:

var code = < 21 * 2 >;

If you compile that code to JavaScript, you'll see that the quoted code gets compiled to a string literal—it is literally placed in quotation marks. To execute code, the emitted program uses a function called run, which is a small wrapper around JavaScript's eval.


Splicing is a defining feature of classic staged languages. You use it to combine quoted code, stitching together pieces into complete programs.

To splice one code value into another, use an escape expression, which is denoted by square brackets:

var a = < 7 * 3 >;
var b = < [a] * 2 >;

You can think of [a] as invoking a three-step process: First, it escapes to the outer context, where a is defined. In that context, it evaluates a to get the code value < 7 * 3 >. Finally, it splices that code into the current quote to produce a code value equivalent to < (7 * 3) * 2 >.

If you look at the compiled JavaScript code, you'll see that the second string literal—the one representing the quotation < [a] * 2 >—has a placeholder token in it. (As of this writing, the token was __SPLICE_10__.) The program uses this along with JavaScript's string.replace function to stitch together code at run time before evaling it. The logic for this string manipulation is encapsulated in a runtime function called splice.


Braid has a second kind of escape expression called a persist escape. Rather than splicing together code at run time, persists let you share data between stages. Persist escapes are written with a leading % sign:

var pi = 3.14;
def calc_area(r:Float)
  < %[pi] * %[r * r] >;
!calc_area(5.0) + !calc_area(2.0)

Like a splice escape, a persist escape shifts to the context outside of the quote and evaluates an expression. But instead of taking another code value and merging it in, a persist gets an ordinary value—here, plain old numbers—and makes them available inside the quote.

The difference may seem subtle, but it has an important effect on the generated code. This example has two calls to calc_area with different values for r. If we had used a splice, it would have created and executed two different programs at run time—each with a different number inlined in place of r. Instead, the compiled JavaScript only has one string literal in it, and no string splicing occurs at run time.

Cross-Stage References

Braid includes syntactic niceness for persisting data without explicit escape expressions. In the previous section's example, we performed one multiplication (r * r) in the first stage and a second multiplication (by pi) in a second stage. If you want to perform both multiplications at the same stage, then you could write < %[pi] * %[r] * %[r] >. Braid lets you omit the persist-escape brackets when all you need is a single variable:

var pi = 3.14;
def calc_area(r:Float)
  < pi * r * r >;
!calc_area(5.0) + !calc_area(2.0)

The code inside the quote can pretend that it shares the same variables that are available outside of the quote. The classic literature on multi-stage programming calls this shared-scope effect cross-stage persistence, but you can also think of it as syntactic sugar for explicit %[x] escapes. In fact, this is how Braid works: you can see that it generates exactly the same JavaScript code whether you surround pi and r in persist-escape brackets or not.

Staging Without Metaprogramming

If you don't use any splicing, quotes can feel very similar to lambdas. A lambda also wraps up code to run later, and via closures, a lambda can also share state from the enclosing scope where it is defined. In fact, it can seem silly that Braid uses string literals and eval where an ordinary function would do just fine.

In recognition this correspondence, Braid lets you write quotes that compile to JavaScript functions. They have the same semantics as ordinary eval-based quotes—only their implementation, and therefore their performance, differs. To use function stages, you can annotate quotes with js, like this:

var x = 21;
var doubler = js< x + x >;

The JavaScript code that Braid generates for this program doesn't have any string literals at all—and it won't use eval at run time.

The compiler needs keeps track of the kinds of programs so it knows how to execute them with !. The type system tracks the annotation on each quote. Here's a function that indicates that it takes a function (js-annotated) quote:

def runit(c:js<Int>)

You'll get a type error if the annotations don't match:

def runit(c:<Int>)

N-Level Escapes

Braid generalizes escapes to move across multiple stages at once. You can write a number after a splice [e] or persist %[e] escape to indicate the number of stages to look through:

var c = <5>;
!< 2 + !< 8 * 2[c] > >

The escape 2[c] gets the value to splice from two levels up—where c is defined—rather than just shifting to the immediately containing quote.

At first glance, it might look like n[e] or %n[e] is just syntactic sugar for nn nested escapes, like [[e]] or %[%[e]]. This is close to true semantically, but as with cross-stage references and program quotes, the differences are in performance.

Take another look at the splicing example above. It uses a form like < ... < 2[e] > ... > to splice code from the main stage directly into a nested program. That is, the expression ee is evaluated when the outer quote expression is evaluated, and the resulting program should do no further splicing when it is executed. In other words, if we inspect the program that the splice generates:

var c = <5>;
< 2 + !< 8 * 2[c] > >

we'll see a splice-free nested program, < 2 + !< 8 * 5 > >. (You may need to switch the tool's mode to “interpreter” to see this pretty-printed code.) That's in contrast to this similar program that uses nested splices:

var c = <<5>>;
< 2 + !< 8 * [[c]] > >

which produces < 2 + !< 8 * [<5>] > >, a program that will splice the number 5 into the inner quote when it eventually executes. Nesting a persist inside a splice, as in [%[c]], has a similar drawback. In fact, it is impossible to implement nn-level escapes as syntactic sugar: they are required to splice directly into nested quotes. We'll also see below that they model certain CPUGPU communication channels that can skip stages.

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