LATTE is a venue for discussion, debate, and brainstorming at the intersection of hardware acceleration and programming languages research. The core mission is to bring ideas we love from software programming languages and tools to the world of hardware design. For more details on the workshop's focus, see the call for papers.
LATTE is a hybrid workshop; please consider attending either in person (in Rotterdam, co-located with ASPLOS) or virtually (on Zoom). LATTE will be held on March 30.
Submit your 2-page position paper via HotCRP. Important dates:
The world deserves better tools for designing custom hardware accelerators. We believe the world of programming languages research can help. New language designs, compiler optimizations, program analyses, type systems, testing frameworks, auxiliary engineering tools like debuggers and profilers: all these topics have deep research traditions in software, and they all have a role to play in making hardware design better.
LATTE is a venue for discussion, debate, and brainstorming at the intersection of hardware acceleration and programming languages research. The core mission is to bring ideas we love from software programming languages and tools to the world of hardware design.
LATTE has a special focus on open-source research. We encourage work that comes with real, permissively licensed implementations.
For LATTE, "hardware" includes ASICs, FPGAs, CGRAs, and other reconfigurable hardware. While the scope is broad, here are a few ideas to get you started:
LATTE solicits short position papers that need not fit the mold of a traditional publication:
The primary goal of the workshop is to enable discussion. It will accept 2-page position papers. The workshop will allocate short time slots to the papers, each paired with a discussion following SNAPL's discussion format: “table discussion” where small breakout groups will discuss the paper, followed by plenary Q&A.
Position paper submissions will undergo peer review by a program committee of interdisciplinary experts working on both high-level (languages, compilers, drivers) and low-level (circuit optimization, interconnect design) problems in the area.
Formatting. Papers should use the two-column the formatting guidelines for SIGPLAN conferences (the acmart
format with the sigplan
two-column option) and not exceed 2 pages, excluding references. Review is single-blind, so please include authors' names on the submitted PDF.
We provide a LaTeX example that contains the correct formatting.
Paper submission will is via HotCRP. The accepted papers will not be published in a proceeding—PDFs will instead appear on the workshop's website.
Important guidelines. It's standard for papers to start with a general motivation: Moore's Law is doomed; specialized hardware is ascendant; Verilog is hard to use; etc. Please skip this part in your LATTE position paper (and in eventual talks at the workshop). The LATTE audience will already believe these things, so save the space & time and instead focus on your own unique ideas. As much as possible, dispose with the framing and motivation so you can focus on the technical content.
Remember that the goal at LATTE is to stimulate discussion, not to disseminate fully polished results. So don't be afraid to write up half-baked ideas and in-progress work: it's OK if your submission has zero bar charts, for example.
For examples of past position papers, consider looking at the programs for LATTE ’24, ’23, ’22, and ’21.
LATTE 2025 will run in a hybrid format, i.e., it will be possible to join either in person (in Rotterdam) or online (on Zoom). Talks at the workshop can use either modality, so please consider submitting even if you cannot attend in person.
We have set up a matrix chat to keep the latte community in touch outside the main latte event. Join it here. Any vaguely latte-related discussion is encouraged! Showcase cool projects you built, discuss new ideas or problems you've run into, or just hang out with the community.