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We are again organizing LATTE, an ASPLOS workshop about PL and compilers for hardware design. Submit 2-page position papers by January 31.

We’re excited that Kevin Laeufer is joining the lab as a research associate!

Caleb won the 2024 Cornell Computer Science Prize for Academic Excellence!

Several members of the lab shared memories of our dear friend and colleague, Priya Srikumar.

Anshuman and collaborators have a paper at OOPSLA ’23. The work, which applies PL formalisms to packet scheduling, has won a best paper award!

Alexa’s paper on verifying the Cranelift code generator’s backend was accepted to ASPLOS 2024! Check out the preprint.

Congratulations to Dr. Philip Bedoukian on successfully defending his PhD dissertation!

Many congratulations to Dr. Alexa VanHattum, who successfully defended her PhD dissertation!

We’re running a tutorial about Calyx at FCRC in June, where you learn to build your own DSL-to-hardware compiler.

Pai was quoted about our research in a news story about an undergraduate research program in Bowers CIS that Adrian helped create.

We’re organizing the 3rd edition of LATTE, an ASPLOS workshop about PL and compilers problems in accelerator design. Submit 2-page position papers by February 7.

Our paper on Cider, a gdb-like interactive debugger for hardware accelerators using Calyx, is conditionally accepted to ASPLOS 2023!

Adrian has tenure.

Alexa’s paper on verifying Rust’s dyn Trait construct was accepted to ICSE SEIP 2022!

Our paper about in-progress work based on Calyx was accepted to WOSET.

Check out the preprint of our MICRO 2021 paper on software-defined vector machines.

Our paper on software-defined vector processing was accepted to MICRO 2021!

Our collaboration with UW on Reticle, a compiler for exploiting modern FPGA resources, was conditionally accepted to PLDI 2021.

We’re organizing LATTE, a new ASPLOS workshop about PL and compilers problems in accelerator design. Submit 2-page position papers by February 25.

See a video of Adrian’s talk at the HSC Seminar at UC Santa Cruz on FuTIL (a.k.a. Calyx).

Our paper on efficient checking of commutative diagrams was accepted to TAPAS 2020.

Our paper on Gator, a type system that rules out “geometry bugs” in graphics code, was conditionally accepted to OOPSLA 2020.

Our paper on Dahlia, a type system for predictable hardware accelerator design, was conditionally accepted to PLDI 2020.

Congratulations to the newly-minted Dr. Mark Buckler on the occasion of his successful defense!

We have a new style guide with hints about writing and typesetting.

We’re collecting raw photos for a new computer vision dataset. If you have an Android device, you can help out by downloading our app.

We’re looking for a postdoc to help us build a new kind of continuously reconfigurable machine (and a compiler to go with it).